Health & Wellness
What Happens to Your Body When You Spend Time in Nature
Your immune system will thank you. Have you ever noticed that you feel better after spending time in nature? Maybe you took a walk in the sunshine during your lunch break, and you notice you're a little more alert than usual when you return to work.
5 Foods To Give You Glowing Skin, According To Celebrity Facialist Joanna Vargas
Celebrity facialist Joanna Vargas details the 5 "glow foods" to eat to boost your skin's radiance from the inside out. From some leafy greens to the one food that isn't *technically* a food, this is what you should eat to get glowing skin.
What Happens to Your Body When You Don't Stretch
Your warm-up is more important than you think. Here's a riddle for you. What does stretching have in common with limiting screen time and drinking more water? The answer is simple: It's something that I know I should do, but I rarely accomplish actually doing so. Why?
Can Seasonal Eating Actually Make You Healthier and Happier? Doctors Weigh In
Some people swear by focusing only on the food that's ripe *right now.* I first heard the phrase " seasonal eating " years ago. I don't remember from who or from what, but I do remember being struck by the simplicity of it. It just made sense to me.
How to Establish a Healthy Sleep Routine During These Dark, Dreary Days of Winter
Last year I moved from Los Angeles to Michigan. Even though I was born and raised in the Great Lakes State, I found the transition to be harder than I anticipated. The weather was in stark contrast to the balmy 70-degree days I had grown accustomed to.
Do You Wince at the Thought of Inserting a Tampon? Try These Doctor-Approved Tips to Avoid Discomfort
A lot has changed since I was 13 years old, but not everything. I still believe Kelly Clarkson's album Thankful is a work of art, I still think bright blue eyeshadow is beautiful, and I still hate tampons with a fiery, burning passion. In fact, I vividly remember the first time I ever attempted to insert one.
From Better Immunity to Better Mood: The Little-Known Benefits of Vitamin D
We've been told time and time again that exposing our bodies to a little bit of sunshine is good for us. (As long as we don't bake under those UVA and UVB rays for too long without shade and sunscreen, that is-doing that is basically asking for skin damage.)
How Much Protein Should You Consume After a Workout?
After we work out, it's important to replenish our bodies, but we know that, right? No matter if it was a lengthy hike or a heart-pounding cardio burst, we need to refuel and rehydrate-especially if it was one of those workouts that leaves our muscles aching, our breath hitching, and our skin doused in sweat.
Here's How to Kick Your Sugar Cravings to the Curb Once and for All
As someone who consistently craves sweets-almost every single day and especially late at night-I know that cutting back on sugar is difficult at best and seemingly impossible at worst. Ice cream is my vice, and I rarely muster up the necessary self-control to say no to the small stockpile of mint chip that's currently in the freezer.
This Is Exactly How You Can Reset Your Metabolism, According to a Nutritionist
There are ways you can get your metabolism on track. An expert nutritionist explains how to reset your metabolism.
Why Fitness Experts Recommend Changing Your Workout with the Seasons
Our lives are ruled by rhythms, whether seasonal, circadian, or otherwise. We sleep, eat, work, and play according to cycles-which raises the question, why don't we work out that way, too? Shouldn't we be basing our workouts on the seasons? In theory, this concept, which I shall hereby refer to as "seasonal fitness," makes sense.
Meet the New Nordic Diet: The Buzzy Diet That Could Help You Live Longer
Throughout the past few years, you've likely heard of the Mediterranean diet. It's much more likely that you've become wholly familiar with this beneficial lifestyle. Maybe you even practice it yourself. But allow us to explain, just in case you haven't heard of it or you need a little refresh (after all, the health and wellness world is fast-paced and, frankly, kind of hard to keep up with).